Tag Archives: Adventure Tourism Uganda

  • kara-tunga-karamoja-uganda-eu-business-forum

    Connections made at the Uganda-EU Business Forum!

    It was a fantastic week showcasing Kara-Tunga Tours and Kara-Tunga Foundation at the Uganda-EU Business Forum in Kampala. I'm excited to continue these conversations at the Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo on May 23-25, 2024! See you there! More
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    Exchange with Ethiopian Community Based Tourism Initiatives

    Ethiopia, a land of ancient wonders and breathtaking landscapes, holds hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. But beyond the iconic sights, a new wave of tourism is emerging, one that weaves the rich cultural heritage of local communities into unforgettable Community Based Tourism (CBT) experiences: Project background This project is part of the Centre for [...] More
  • kara-tunga-adventure-tourism-uganda-webinar

    Kara-Tunga in Webinar Cultural Tourism

    Tune in on Friday 17th November to learn more about Kara-Tunga's lessons learned on Cultural Tourism development in Uganda's Karamoja sub-region. The session is hosted by Alexander Bongers who led the Adventure Tourism Uganda project. Kara-Tunga will be represented by co-founder Theo Vos who has been at the forefront of the development. Zoom link: https://lnkd.in/dTQysXNB [...] More
  • kara-tunga-video-impact-adventure-tourism-uganda

    Impact video Adventure Tourism Uganda initiative

    Learn how Kara-Tunga was involved in developing and promoting adventure and cultural tourism in Uganda's Karamoja sub-region. These efforts have resulted in the establishment of the Warrior Nomad Trail. A cross-border culture and adventure tourist trail. Through least travelled East Africa. Adventure Tourism Uganda Spectacular landscapes, a great variety of cultures and the most welcoming [...] More
  • Turkana Safari Karamoja Travel in Columbus Magazine

    Warrior Nomad Trail featured in Columbus Magazine

    Africa Without Borders - With pride, we present a colourful nine-spread feature of our cross-border Warrior Nomad Trail in the Dutch Columbus Travel Magazine. "For centuries, the Karamojong from Uganda and their Kenyan neighbours, the Pokot and the Turkana, have enjoyed meeting each other. From stealing cattle to sharing their wilderness, culture and traditions with [...] More
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    First Aid training for Tourism and Hospitality Professionals in Karamoja

    First Aid Training for Tourism and Hospitality Professionals in Karamoja - Karamoja Tourism Academy (KTA) and the Warrior Nomad Trail initiative aim at building a competitive regional tourism sector by building the capacity of tourism and hospitality stakeholders. The intended result is to scale up the basic knowledge of first aid to advance in the [...] More
  • kara-tunga-cbi-itb-berlin-warrior-nomad-trail-2

    Warrior Nomad Trail at ITB Berlin travel show

    Thursday, 9th March 2023 - Warrior Nomad Trail given a podium during world's largest travel show for professionals ITB Berlin. The session was hosted by the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. CBI was represented by their consultant Alison Burgh, who gave a brief summary of [...] More
  • Warrior Nomad Trail, West-Pokot Tourism Tips

    Mapping Kenya’s West-Pokot for Warrior Nomad Trail

    We just returned from mapping a trail through Kenya's West-Pokot County. The trail is meant for the Warrior Nomad Trail initiative to guide travelers through East Africa's least travelled areas. West-Pokot is located across the borders of Uganda's Karamoja sub-region. It's easy accessible by road from Amudat District. The main attractions are Mount Mtelo, Lake [...] More
  • kara-tunga-tourism-academy-uganda-karamoja-hiking-guiding-training-7

    Expedition Planning training for Warrior Nomad Trail

    Tour operators and trip planners from Mount Rwenzori, Mount Elgon and Karamoja sub-region Warrior Nomad Trail are participating in a workshop "Expedition Planning". They're covering subjects like: Principles and philosophy of expedition planning, supplies and food, route and Itinerary, logistics and group dynamics. This training is organised by Dutch hiking travel agent Bergwandelen.com and supported [...] More
  • kara-tunga-tour-of-karamoja-review-marije-1

    My second time on the Impressive Tour of Karamoja

    For the fourth time I have visited the beautiful land of the Karamoja, with its beautiful people. For the second time I joined the Tour of Karamoja, the 7-day cycling trip through the hills and valleys in Uganda and Kenya. The Tour of Karamoja is the ultimate combination of physical endurance, teamwork ánd many interesting [...] More